Make Space for What You Want

Oct 04, 2019

If we really want something new in our lives, we have to make space for it. That means we have to clear away the clutter and the noise. 

Here's of my story: 

I was born to two young parents who were struggling to find themselves while dealing with addiction and alcohol abuse. They both came from families with the same issues. When I was born we didn't have a house to live in, so we lived in a school bus. As I grew up I didn't get to attend dances, play on sports teams or have many friends. I was highly aware of myself (not in a good way) and developed anxiety and depression. At age 10 I was often left home alone to care for my newborn brother. In many ways I had to take on the role of mother. Many mornings before school I had to get my brother down the way to my grandmother's house (when she would take him - she too had an alcohol problem) . After school I had to rush home to take care of him until my mother go home, which sometimes wasn't until after we were asleep. I had no security or role models in my life. Without getting into detail I faced many kinds of abuse at the hands of strangers, neighbors and relatives. I could write a book about the things I went through as a child growing up. But for now I want you to know that I understand if you too had challenges in your past (big or small ) you're now allowing to hold you back.

As I grew up and sought relief from my fears, anger and lack of confidence I eventually faced my own struggles with alcohol.  But by the age of 24 I no longer drank and was left to face myself - my pain, anger and fear. 

Making Space For What We Want:

It doesn't matter what we want. It doesn't matter how we define success and happiness - we will eventually have to make space for it. We'll have to clean out the garbage inside that is blocking us from what it is we want to experience, create and have.

For some of us this is huge stuff and for others it might simply be an old story, belief or idea that keeps us from moving forward. But eventually it has to go. 

It's about YOU letting go of the resistance holding you back and instead getting tuned into that inner guidance system that always knows what you want, need and how to get there - because that inner system is YOU -  it's the version of you that isn't controlled by all the old triggers. 

  • What are your distractions? Mental? Emotional? Lifestyle?
  • What are your fears and resentments?
  • Where do you procrastinate or waste time?
  • Who do you need to forgive? Others? Yourself?
  • Do you make your own wellbeing a priority?
  • Is there clutter around you in your home, office and even your mind?
  • How much time do you spend on Social Media?
  • Who do you spend time with?
  • Are you committed to small daily actions aligned with who you want to be, how you want to feel and your personal vision?

Accept the Invitation

Life is always calling you into a fuller experience. The suffering we feel can ultimately be defined as disconnection. We allow the old stuff to block, dim and limit us. The greater our suffering or dis-ease the further we are from our truth or inner guidance.  

But when we make space for what we want by releasing resistance and doing the work, we take control of our lives and choose the direction we move. 


With love,


P.S. If you liked this, you might also like to check on my online community, Soul Subscription! You can READ all about that HERE

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