For the woman who's tried everything — yoga, meditation, and therapy, yet still seeks true inner peace and freedom from anxiety.


Fear to Freedom is an 8-week group coaching program that reframes anxiety as a messenger for personal and spiritual growth.

Rooted in the insights from my bestselling book, If I'm So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious?, and drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutra and contemporary yoga psychology, this transformative program guides you through a comprehensive journey that uncovers the deep-seated roots of anxiety, facilitating lasting inner peace and freedom.


By viewing anxiety as a messenger, rather than a problem, participants learn to decode its messages, leading to deeper self-awareness and lasting inner peace.


Unlike conventional self-help methods that often focus on quick fixes, Fear to Freedom engages you in a journey of genuine self-discovery and spiritual growth.


This approach not only alleviates anxiety but also enhances overall well-being by fostering a profound connection with one's inner wisdom and strength.


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About Fear To Freedom


I was stuck for what felt like an eternity, completely disconnected from my inner self and purpose. I was tired of being trapped in old habits and automatic responses. Fear To Freedom completely changed and transformed me in ways I never thought possible. My perspective has done a complete 180, and now I wake up each day with the certainty that it will be amazing. I'm in control of my thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions. I've developed a positive mindset and focus on the present moment, no longer dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I've learned to appreciate each day and feel empowered to see and embrace blessings all around me. It's a level of joy and fulfillment I couldn't experience for far too long.


Working with Joy has been an incredible journey of growth and transformation. It's not just about acquiring knowledge, but about learning how to apply that knowledge to make lasting changes in my life. Her coaching style is a unique blend of yoga spirituality (not just the physical poses), psychology, and leveraging our physiology to create new responses in our minds and bodies. Throughout the Fear to Freedom program, I gained a deep understanding of why I was experiencing apprehension and indecision, and most importantly, how to shift my thinking so that those feelings never hold me back again! Joy's openness and acceptance created a safe space for me to dive deep into my thoughts and emotions. She skillfully used real-life situations to teach me valuable life lessons on how to not just "get through" challenging situations, but to actually use them as opportunities for learning, growth, and creating the life I truly desire.


Believe me when I say I've tried every possible solution out there, but nothing seemed to work for me in the long run. Sure, I could temporarily ease some mild anxiety with deep breathing, but it always came back, stronger than ever. That's when I found Joy and her From Fear to Freedom program. Joy didn't just help me understand why my anxiety persisted, she showed me how to conquer it once and for all. Let me tell you, there are no quick fixes in her approach, but every ounce of effort is absolutely worth it. I've learned how to shift my thoughts, beliefs, and emotions about myself and the world around me. Joy taught me how to reclaim control over my life and get to the very root cause of my anxiety. And let me tell you, the rewards from working with her just keep on flourishing. Now, I have more confidence, hope, peace, trust, and happiness than ever before. It's truly been a game-changer for me.


For so long I was completely lost and second guessing myself. I had no idea where I fit into my own life. I had this burning desire to truly know myself, to understand who I really am. I tried all sorts of spiritual work and took countless courses, diligently taking notes, but my fears, self-doubt, and insecurities just wouldn't go away. And worst of all, I had no clue who I truly was. But then I found Joy and her Fear to Freedom program, and everything changed. Joy's approach was different. It wasn't just about taking notes and acquiring knowledge; it was about experiencing the work firsthand. Joy empowered us to become our own heroes, to truly embody the teachings. And let me tell you, it made all the difference. Now, I can confidently say that I know who I am. I am on a journey of growth and self-exploration that will continue to unfold. Joy has given me the tools and guidance to discover my purpose and embrace my true self.



Before I started working with Joy, I was filled with anxiety about my future. It felt like I was trapped in an endless cycle of hopelessness, unsure of how to break free from the lifestyle I was stuck in. But thanks to Fear To Freedom, everything changed. It gave me the confidence and courage to leave a situation that I once believed was impossible to change. It was a complete game-changer for me. Now, I can honestly say that I am happier and more joyful than ever before. I feel a newfound sense of confidence and security that I haven't felt in a long time. Joy helped me identify and change behaviors that were keeping me stuck and anxious. She showed me how to take control of my life, no matter what circumstances I may be facing. She truly taught me a new way of living, one where I feel more hopeful and in charge. If you're feeling stuck or anxious, I highly recommend Fear To Freedom It's been a life-changing experience for me, and I know it can be for you too.


Despite all the books I read, courses I took, and knowledge I gained about human behavior, relationships, boundaries I was still struggling with communicating my needs and confidence in my relationships. I had heard people talk about the importance of meditation and introspection, but I thought it was something for other people, not me. However, when I joined Fear to Freedom, Joy encouraged us to establish a daily meditation practice. I felt awkward and self-conscious at first, but I trusted Joy's guidance and committed to it. And let me tell you, the results have been amazing. Joy's teachings, rooted in yogic principles and Sutras, provided a fresh perspective that I had never considered before. The group work has also been incredibly beneficial, as we share our experiences and receive coaching from Joy. It really highlights our shared humanity and the lessons we can learn from one another. Through Fear to Freedom, I have gained valuable tools to deepen my self-understanding and effectively deal with anxious and stressful thoughts and emotions. I feel liberated from the constant loops of negativity and worry. I am so grateful for this experience and for Joy's respectful, insightful, and kind coaching. If you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and break free from anxiety, I highly recommend Fear to Freedom. It has truly been a transformative journey for me.

Joy Stone

Is a renowned spiritual teacher, soul connection coach, and bestselling author. With certifications in positive psychology, yoga psychology, and meditation, Joy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her work. She studied positive psychology under Harvard Professor Tal Ben-Shahar, enriching her approach to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

Joy's path to healing began when she realized that traditional self-help methods and surface-level solutions weren't addressing the root of her struggles. This realization propelled her into a deep exploration of holistic and integrative approaches to well-being. Through this journey, she discovered powerful insights, practices, and teachers that facilitated profound personal growth and healing.

Empowered by her transformation, she felt a calling to support others navigating similar paths. Thus, Joy Stone Coaching was born—a space dedicated to guiding women through their unique journeys towards inner peace, self-acceptance, and a life led by their truest selves.

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